Strengthening Mexico's Participation in Global Research Networks

12.08.16 – 361:29:33
Sunday Afternoon Session 2
Опубликовано 12 августа 2016, 0:43
The Mexican research community has historically collaborated well with colleagues from different countries, but as research systems have become more internationalized over the past decades, we must redouble our efforts to integrate effectively into the expanding global networks of knowledge. In this context, governments should support the strengthening of national systems along the chain of education-science-technology-innovation, and should facilitate their internationalization through the mobility of students and researchers, the undertaking of joint projects, and the funding of technology based companies. I will describe our efforts at CONACYT, where we are working to support the involvement of Mexican researchers with high-level groups internationally by incorporating programs that provide remote access to instruments, data, computational resources, and large-scale facilities located throughout the world, among other activities.