Minecraft 1.8 - 1.8.1 : Hacked Client - TEAMBATTLE ! - Lets Kick ASSES ! [HD]

18 948
Techmagnet456 тыс
Опубликовано 17 февраля 2015, 1:32
Hi and welcome to another hacked client review video :-) Today we will take a look at the TEAMBATTLE hacked client for Minecraft 1.8 - 1.8.1 ! This modded client kicks asses !

Server IP play.totalfreedom.me

► Hacked Client Download 1.8 - 1.8.1


Installation Tutorial :



right shift = console

CLient by Johny9020

Cracked Error Fix Made by Bigorca312
This is a real easy Cracked client solution.
1: Download the MCMagicLauncher (MagicLauncher)
2: Go to minecraft.net and make a profile for minecraft, don't pay
the premium, just register.
3: Open up the MagicLauncher and let it run, if you need a
on how to set up a profile in the Launcher search YouTube.
As i don't make videos myself and typing it would make it to
4: (Optional) When you want to update your minecraft.jar you
will need to get a .jar file from the internet, just search for
the version of minecraft you want and MAKE SURE ITS
Download it and make a profile for it in the launcher, (see
step 3)
5: In the launcher after you have a profile made type in your
username at the bottom, (the one u registered at
minecraft.net, although i don't know if step 1 was really
necessary for this to work, but it makes sure that if
someone with a premium account likes your cracked
username they cant make it theirs from minecraft.net)
Anyways, type in the username, now the password part
DOESN'T EVEN MATTER. For the password you can type
ANYTHING, just do a little dance with your fingers on your
keyboard and click "Login". It WILL. give you an error
6: Click "Play Offline"
7: The Launcher should close and your minecraft will start, if
you get any errors then see step 3. Your profile is most
likely set up wrong.

music by :

Different Heaven feat. ReesaLunn - Pentakill [NCS Release]


Different Heaven
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