Amazon Web Services791 тыс
Опубликовано 27 июня 2017, 16:15
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Managing AWS Accounts gives you an overview to managing your AWS account in just 15 minutes. This video will help you categorize high- and low-impact workloads, create governance models, identify when to create new accounts, onboard new AWS users, determine when new accounts are required, programmatic account creation, and use of organizational units. This is the second video in the AWS Account Administration and Networking video series for education.
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Managing AWS Accounts gives you an overview to managing your AWS account in just 15 minutes. This video will help you categorize high- and low-impact workloads, create governance models, identify when to create new accounts, onboard new AWS users, determine when new accounts are required, programmatic account creation, and use of organizational units. This is the second video in the AWS Account Administration and Networking video series for education.
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