Using AWS to Build a Scalable Big Data Management & Processing Service (BDT401) | AWS re:Invent 2013

1 642
Опубликовано 21 ноября 2013, 18:44
By turning the data center into an API, AWS has enabled Sumo Logic to build a very large scale IT operational analytics platform as a service at unprecedented scale and velocity. Based around Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3, the Sumo Logic system is ingesting many terabytes of unstructured log data a day while at the same time delivering real-time dashboards and supporting hundreds of thousands of queries against the collected data. When co-founder and CTO Christian Beedgen started Sumo Logic, it was obvious that the service would have to scale quickly and elastically, and AWS has been providing the perfect infrastructure for this endeavor from the start.
In this talk, Christian dives into the core Sumo Logic architecture and explains which AWS services are making Sumo Logic possible. Based around an in-house developed automation and continuous deployment system, Sumo Logic is leveraging Amazon S3 in particular for large-scale data management and Amazon DynamoDB for cluster configuration management. By relying on automation, Sumo Logic is also able to perform sophisticated staging of new code for rapid deployment. Using the log-based instrumentation of the Sumo Logic codebase, Christian will dive into the performance characteristics achieved by the system today and share war stories about lessons learned along the way.