AWS re:Invent 2017: Deep Dive on Advanced Continuous Delivery Techniques Using AWS D (DEV324)

9 448
Опубликовано 30 ноября 2017, 16:06
Continuous delivery (CD) enables teams to be more agile and quickens the pace of innovation. Too often, however, teams adopt CD without putting the right safety mechanisms in place. In this talk, we discuss opportunities for you to transform your software release process into a safer one. We explore various DevOps best practices, showcasing sample applications and code. We discuss how to set up delivery pipelines with nonproduction testing stages, failure cases, rollbacks, machine and Availability Zone redundancy, canary testing and deployments, and monitoring. We'll use AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy, and both Amazon CloudWatch alarms and events.