Boost Visibility & Optimize Your Amazon EKS Environment with CloudHealth

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Опубликовано 30 июля 2018, 21:36
Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS. Join AWS and our container ecosystem partners for a deep dive on Amazon EKS and explore solutions that help extend the capabilities of Kubernetes on AWS. Learn more at

When you are using a technology like Amazon EKS, everything needed for your containers is taken care of by AWS. However, it is important to identify how the AWS resources are getting consumed, who is consuming them and how can you govern your container environment. CloudHealth Technologies enables you to do all this and more. We also help you identify opportunities to reduce your spend, rightsize your AWS environment and better govern using simple reports and dashboards. Through our demo, you can see how a customer can leverage our platform to manage their Amazon EKS environment.

Guest: Efe Yardimci, Software Architect