Ios 6: Apple Maps Review

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Zone of Tech1.57 млн
Опубликовано 28 сентября 2012, 0:17
Apple Maps iOS6 REVIEW

Although Apple still has a Google Maps license for the next 2 years, Apple decided to drop dead the good old fashion Google Maps. Here's why:

-Google left the iOS Maps unchanged from 2007 when it was first launched, they kept updating it for Android devices but not for Apple devices
-Apple's dispute with Google over patents (lawsuits and stuff like that)

Ok, now here are the pros and cons of the new Apple Maps


-better design than Google Maps
-based on vectors instead of bitmap images which basically translates to smoother navigation, text doesn't zoom out when zooming in, text rotation and manipulation is now possible and finally, the pages load a lot faster since there is just text that need to be loaded instead of images like there was on Google Maps
-Flyover (3D mode) is amazing
-Siri navigation is awesome and works while your phone is locked as well
-will be supported by Apple in the next couple of years unlike Google which dropped support for Google Maps in Apple devices

-Flyover takes ages to load if you are not on 4G/Wifi
-Flyover ONLY works on the iPhone 4S/5 iPad 3 iPod Touch 5th gen
-Siri directions ONLY works on the iPhone 4S/5 iPad 3 iPod Touch 5th gen
-Street View is GONE (obviously since it was a Google product)
-VERY FEW places are supported, so for example FLYOVER only works for a couple of large cities in the US/UK, which is a shame
-some small cities do not even appear on Apple Maps
-some satellite views are obscured by clouds


If you do not have an iPhone 4S/5 iPad 3 or an iPod Touch 5th gen, then simply DO NOT update to iOS 6....There isn't much to it and you even lose some functionality with the new Maps application.

HOWEVER Google specified that they are going to release a Google Maps app in the next couple of weeks so stay tune for that app. Should be in the App Store no latter than November.


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