Develop Faster on Kubernetes With Google Container Tools and Cloud Build (Cloud Next '19)

30 385
25 дней – 3882:14
Why use GKE for AI/ML workloads?
Опубликовано 11 апреля 2019, 1:22
Kubernetes had become the orchestrator of choice to deploy applications — but what about a developer’s day to day job? Building Kubernetes applications can require spending a lot of time on building containers, deploying them, and waiting to see changes. Developing applications on Kubernetes doesn’t have to be difficult, and this talk will show you how to leverage local development tools like Skaffold and Google Cloud Build to develop at 10x velocity. We’ll cover how Skaffold intelligently rebuilds and redeploys your application on every code change, all from the comfort of your favorite IDE. We’ll then go over how to use Skaffold and Google Cloud Build to easily deploy a robust CI/CD pipeline from GitHub to GKE, simplifying your local development experience from start to finish.

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Speaker(s): David Gageot, Priya Wadhwa

Session ID: HYB302
product:Containers,KubeCode,Cloud Build; fullname:David Gageot,Priya Wadhwa; event: Google Cloud Next 2019; re_ty: Publish; pr_pr: Google Coud Next, purpose: Educate,