Kotlin/Everywhere, Android Dark Theme in Flutter, & Kubernetes apps

17 795
28.05.19 – 25 9371:11
#HowICode Rubber Duck Debugging
27 дней – 3 3630:17
How many bugs did I push again?
150 дней – 6 4840:18
Found our happy place!
Опубликовано 23 мая 2019, 21:15
TL;DR 157 | The Google Developer News Show

Kotlin/Everywhere → goo.gle/2YLhqDq
Add to Home screen mini-infobar → goo.gle/2M6DTJL
Android Dark Theme in Flutter → goo.gle/2JzPM8L
Kubernetes apps on GCP Marketplace → goo.gle/2X40GGP
Developer Student Clubs → goo.gle/2QjqrjY

Here to bring you the latest developer news from across Google is Developer Advocate Todd Kerpelman.

Tune in every week for a new episode, and let us know what you think of the latest announcements in the comments below! 😃

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