Editors Keys SL150 Microphone [HD]

19 876
Marques Brownlee19.7 млн
08.12.10 – 84 9261:21
GiftYouTube / PrizeYouTube SCAM
02.02.22 – 034:03
Is This Thing On?
44 дня – 1 817 9599:09
How My Video Gear is Changing!
Опубликовано 5 декабря 2010, 19:22
This video honors a popular review request of the microphone I use to record voiceover audio for all of my videos. This is a top notch entry level professional studio quality microphone that should get any aspiring YouTuber off on the right foot with crisp audio quality.

Sound check: goo.gl/CmYdQ
Product Site: goo.gl/jgOyx
Samson MD5: goo.gl/Gin6R

Check out their videos: youtube.com/EditorsKeys

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Facebook: goo.gl/TbXC