Building globally scalable services with Istio and ASM

4 667
Опубликовано 15 сентября 2020, 16:06
Building distributed applications is hard! Building globally scalable distributed applications is harder. Maintaining and growing these services as your business grows is even harder.
This session takes an opinionated approach on how to create a globally scalable platform for your business on Google Cloud using service meshes. It shows how to build a platform on Google Cloud from the ground up. The following content is agreed upon and a combined effort between SA, Anthos PM (specifically Istio and Anthos Service Mesh), and Anthos engineering. Time permitting, demos on how to use the platform to perform common operational tasks may be shown.

The session covers (design opinions and reasonings for) the following concepts:

- Project hierarchy in a Google Cloud org
- Setting up global networking
- GKE cluster setup
- Service mesh (Istio and ASM)
- Observability
- Common tools and golden signals
- How to think about SLOs, SLAs
- Security
- Secure traffic between services (mTLS)
- Secure traffic from an end user to a service running in your mesh
- Routing
- Multicluster routing considerations
- Service discovery and DNS
- Common operational tasks (and possible demos)
- Adding/migrating an application to the mesh
- Rolling out new versions of applications
- DR
- Hybrid/multi-cloud considerations

There is also an all-day hands-on workshop (currently in the works, in conjunction with PM and Eng), which should be released in mid Q1’20. This session will be the conceptual TLDR of that workshop.

Speaker: Ameer Abbas

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event: Google Cloud Next 2020; re_ty: Publish; product: Cloud - Hybrid and Multi-cloud - Anthos, Cloud - Containers - Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE); fullname: Ameer Abbas;