Tested in 2020: Joey's Favorite Things!

39 589
Tested6.9 млн
27.11.20 – 81 4184:31
Ask Adam Savage: LEGO MOCs
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2020, 15:00
Joey has some fun looking back at 2020 and sharing some of his favorite production gear, games, lockdown hobbies, and media he enjoyed this past year. From production accessories that have elevated his filmmaking to making hot sauces and virtual tabletop games, it's an eclectic mix of recommendations from our multi-talented head of production! Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!

Shot and edited by Joey Fameli

Relio²: relio.it
MIXBOOK Digital Swatchbook: us.rosco.com/en/product/mixboo...
Tilta Nucleus-Nano: amzn.to/3m9W3Ym
SmallHD 701 Lite HD HDMI Monitor: amzn.to/3l1EcSc
Mars400s Pro: hollyland-tech.com/products/de...
Casio Privia Digital Piano: amzn.to/3l9ugpC
Onewheel Pint: onewheel.com/products/pint
Tabletop Simulator: store.steampowered.com/app/286...

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Tested is:
Adam Savage twitter.com/donttrythis
Norman Chan twitter.com/nchan
Joey Fameli joeyfameli.com
Gunther Kirsch guntherkirsch.com
Ryan Kiser instagram.com/ryan.kiser
Jen Schachter jenschachter.com
Kishore Hari twitter.com/sciencequiche
Sean Charlesworth twitter.com/cworthdynamics
Jeremy Williams twitter.com/jerware
Kayte Sabicer instagram.com/kaytesabicer
Bill Doran twitter.com/chinbeard
Ariel Waldman youtube.com/arielwaldman
Darrell Maloney youtube.com/brokennerd
Kristen Lomasney twitter.com/krystynlo

Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

Thanks for watching!

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