Tested: Our Favorite Smart Home Wi-Fi Plug

80 805
Tested6.9 млн
Опубликовано 5 января 2021, 15:00
For this favorite things follow-up, Norm recommends a smart home plug that turns any appliance into a wi-fi connected device you can remotely power on and off, as well as automate. These small Wyze plugs were extremely convenient during the holidays for scheduling Christmas lights, and integrate with both Alexa and Google Assistant. Norm now has them set up for all of his office shelving and figure display lights!

Wyze Plug (2 pack): amzn.to/35bxe8d
Wyze Plug Outdoor: wyze.com/wyze-plug-outdoor.htm...
Disclaimer: Tested may earn an affiliate commission when you buy through the links here.

Shot and edited by Norman Chan

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Tested is:
Adam Savage twitter.com/donttrythis
Norman Chan twitter.com/nchan
Joey Fameli joeyfameli.com
Gunther Kirsch guntherkirsch.com
Ryan Kiser instagram.com/ryan.kiser
Jen Schachter jenschachter.com
Kishore Hari twitter.com/sciencequiche
Sean Charlesworth twitter.com/cworthdynamics
Jeremy Williams twitter.com/jerware
Kayte Sabicer instagram.com/kaytesabicer
Bill Doran twitter.com/chinbeard
Ariel Waldman youtube.com/arielwaldman
Darrell Maloney youtube.com/brokennerd
Kristen Lomasney twitter.com/krystynlo

Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman
Set design by Danica Johnson twitter.com/saysdanica
Set build by Asa Hillis asahillis.com

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