What is Workload Identity Federation?

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Опубликовано 28 апреля 2021, 16:31
Learn more about Workload Identity Federation → goo.gle/3sGP4J7
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Workload Identity Federation is a keyless application authentication mechanism for calling Google Cloud APIs. In this video, we show you what Workload Identity Federation is, how to set it up, and how you can use it to replace service account keys with tokens for applications running outside of Google Cloud. Watch to learn how you can authenticate your application’s access with Workload Identity Federation!

0:00 - Intro
0:12 - The disadvantage of service account keys
1:16 - How workload identity federation works
1:46 - How to use workload identity federation
2:57 - Learn more

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Product: Workload Identity Federation; fullname: Joanna Smith;
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