How to build an AI-powered mobile ad platform

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Опубликовано 5 февраля 2022, 17:00
Meet Chang Kim, the VP of Engineering at MOLOCO. MOLOCO is focused on empowering businesses by helping them take a data-driven approach to their mobile advertising, and specializes in processing large amounts of data while leveraging machine learning technologies. Watch an exciting interview with Chang Kim as Max Saltonstall takes a deeper dive into MOLOCO’s scalable ad-serving cloud architecture.

0:00 - Intro
0:33 - Who is Moloco?
1:10 - How does a mobile ad get to my phone?
5:56 - Neural Network models in use
6:45 - Getting the system to scale up for high demand
8:51 - Building the ad serving pipeline on Google Cloud
12:30 - Online service architecture
13:17 - Running the bid processor on Kubernetes
14:16 - Storing and using ad data for training and analysis
16:14 - Data architecture diagram
17:02 - Using Dataflow to handle moving data around
18:03 - Reasons for using BigTable
18:49 - Optimizing for cost control
20:36 - Why Moloco choose Google Cloud

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product: Cloud - General; fullname: Priyanka Vergadia;