What is the Risk Protection Program?

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8 дней – 4 2323:42
Introduction to Gemini in BigQuery
Опубликовано 24 октября 2022, 23:00
What is cyber insurance and how does it help to protect your cloud infrastructure? Introducing the Risk Protection Program (RPP) for Google Cloud customers. RPP helps protect organizations from financially damaging cyberattacks or security incidents from errors in configuration. Watch along and learn how your organization can gain access to an industry-first cyber risk insurance program to enhance your risk management program.

0:00 - Intro
1:16 - Risk Protection Program (RPP)
2:08 - Who is this program for?
3:02 - Getting started with RPP
3:38 - Wrap up

Trust and security → cloud.google.com/security
Risk Protection Program → cloud.google.com/risk-protecti...
Onboarding to Risk Manager → cloud.google.com/risk-manager/...

Subscribe to Google Cloud Tech → goo.gle/GoogleCloudTech​
