1.3: Breakdown of WebML course

20 181
Опубликовано 9 января 2023, 18:01
Who is the course aimed at? Everyone essentially! You'll just need a basic working knowledge of HTML Javascript, and CSS, but you don't need any prior knowledge of Machine Learning, or advanced mathematics, you’ll learn the essential information as you go along. This course aims to bring your creative ideas to life, as fast as possible. Machine Learning is now usable by all no matter what your background; creatives, artists, coders - as long as you have a working knowledge of JavaScript coding then course is for you.

Catch more episodes from Machine Learning for Web Developers (Web ML) → goo.gle/learn-WebML
Check out TensorFlow on YouTube → goo.gle/TensorFlow-YouTube
Subscribe to Google Developers → goo.gle/developers

Connect with Jason Mayes to ask questions:
LinkedIn → goo.gle/3GwgeLw
Twitter →goo.gle/3Xh6MT7
Discord →goo.gle/3WWVO5t

Use #WebML to share your learnings and creations from this course to meet your peers on social media!

See what others have already made with Web ML → goo.gle/made-with-tfjs
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