Google Cloud Platform1.21 млн
Опубликовано 10 февраля 2023, 0:00
How to port stateful web apps to Cloud Run →
Blog post announcing session affinity →
Setting session affinity →
With session affinity, Cloud Run routes sequential requests for a given client to the same revision container instance. In this episode of Serverless Expeditions Extended, Martin teams up with Wietse to cache user-specific data for a better user experience. Watch along as Martin discusses enabling session affinity and other use cases for this service.
0:00 - Intro
0:38 - How to set up session affinity
1:06 - How can session affinity help me?
1:45 - Can session affinity support server side sessions?
2:56 - Caching data
3:30 - How does Cloud Run route requests?
4:01 - Wrap up
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#ServerlessExpeditions #ServerlessExpeditionsExtended
Blog post announcing session affinity →
Setting session affinity →
With session affinity, Cloud Run routes sequential requests for a given client to the same revision container instance. In this episode of Serverless Expeditions Extended, Martin teams up with Wietse to cache user-specific data for a better user experience. Watch along as Martin discusses enabling session affinity and other use cases for this service.
0:00 - Intro
0:38 - How to set up session affinity
1:06 - How can session affinity help me?
1:45 - Can session affinity support server side sessions?
2:56 - Caching data
3:30 - How does Cloud Run route requests?
4:01 - Wrap up
Checkout more episodes of Serverless Expeditions →
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#ServerlessExpeditions #ServerlessExpeditionsExtended