Instructure: Elevating Digital Education to the Next-Level Event Driven CI/CD Deployments Globally
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Amazon Web Services794 тыс
Опубликовано 6 июня 2023, 19:11
Instructure is an EdTech company that provides educational software to support more than 30 million educators and learners at nearly 7,000 organizations around the world. Instructure enables the next level of CI/CD pipeline globally at scale to consistently deploy and provision assets. Instructure re-architected their in-house framework to make it easier to move and provision resource. Instructure uses Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and K8s constructs with AWS CloudFormation (CFN) to provision the assets. They used this combination to provision EKS to manage compute, and provide wrappers around things like Amazon Relational Database Services(RDS) and Amazon ElastiCache to make it easy for their teams to spin up and manage new services globally. When the developer commits code to their GIT repo, a build is triggered in their CI/CD pipeline to translate their YAML into CFN templates. It is then sent to Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for global notification. This triggers their AWS Lambda function that creates the proper AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles and builds their environment with the CFN construct dynamically. Instructure also leverages IAM permissions to secure the “Core Access Control” understood by EKS and Kubernetes.
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Check out more resources for architecting in the #AWS cloud:
#AWS #AmazonWebServices #CloudComputing #ThisIsMyArchitecture #DevOps
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