Kaggle is your home for trustworthy AI resources

Опубликовано 16 мая 2024, 14:05
ML is developing so rapidly, it's hard to know where to start for a new project. Kaggle's your solution. Kaggle is an online community with over 16 million members committed to sharing, stress testing, and staying up-to-date on the latest ML techniques and technologies. Learn how to leverage their vast library of resources (models, datasets & code), gain powerful insights from real-world competitions, and build faster with Kaggle's powerful web-based notebook environment with free GPUs and TPUs.

Kaggle API → goo.gle/github-kaggle-api
Kaggle Hub → goo.gle/github-kagglehub
Kaggle official site → goo.gle/kaggle

Speakers: Nate Keating

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Check out all the AI videos at Google I/O 2024 → goo.gle/io24-ai-yt

Subscribe to Google Developers → goo.gle/developers


Event: Google I/O 2024