What We Really Think About Apple's M4 Macs

15 986
Pocketnow1.82 млн
Опубликовано 31 октября 2024, 14:00
This is the weirdest Apple product launch, ever, and you know what, I'm all for it. It wasn't one but actually 3 events, and since the company kept teasing that there was more to come this week, it was worth it to just wait it out and make a single recap over what's new, and why you should care.

I'm all for this approach because otherwise, this would've been a very long keynote where the benefits of each product would've had to be condensed. At a time when hardware iteration is a thing and software or compute power updates are the new selling point, yeah.. More detail is appreciated. Apple did confirm this was the final day today, so I guess updates to the Mac Pro and Mac Studio will just have to wait.

I'm Jaime Rivera with Pocketnow, and it's time for another deep dive, this time, on Apple's new Mac updates, across the board.

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