Samsung7.26 млн
Опубликовано 7 ноября 2024, 1:38
Experience the Wow of Neo QLED!
Check out the key features of the Samsung Neo QLED 87D and 85D model,
equipped with the NQ4 AI Gen2 Processor and Samsung Tizen OS, offering outstanding picture quality and design.
Discover more at
#QN87D #QN85D #NeoQLED #AITV #SamsungAITV #SamsungTV #Samsung
Check out the key features of the Samsung Neo QLED 87D and 85D model,
equipped with the NQ4 AI Gen2 Processor and Samsung Tizen OS, offering outstanding picture quality and design.
Discover more at
#QN87D #QN85D #NeoQLED #AITV #SamsungAITV #SamsungTV #Samsung