Google Code-in 2013

9 906
08.10.13 – 41 1504:27
Google Summer of Code
Опубликовано 8 октября 2013, 18:46
Google Code-in is a global, online contest designed to introduce 13-17 year old students to open source software development. We choose 10 open source projects that develop small tasks for students to work on in categories such as coding, documentation, user interface and outreach. Students earn prizes when they complete tasks such as certificates of completion, Google Code-in 2013 t-shirts, and 20 students will win a Grand Prize trip to Google's Mountain View, California campus for themselves and a parent or legal guardian for 5 days/4 nights in Spring 2014.

The contest begins November 18, 2013 and ends on January 6, 2014.

For more information, visit the program site at There you can find a list of Frequently Asked Questions ( the contest timeline ( and the Contest Rules (

You can join the Google Code-in discussion group at and read the Google Open Source blog ( for more updates on the contest.

Join the Google Code-in fun!