Experience Virtualized Industrial Workloads in Harmony | Intel

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Intel558 тыс
Опубликовано 24 февраля 2014, 23:58
Two worlds meet in this inspirational duet between human and robot musicians! Watch as Intel Intelligent Systems perform in tandem with a traditional zitherist to demonstrate how multiple workloadsincluding motion control, HMI, and vibration analysiscan be combined on a single system while achieving real-time performance in a virtualized environment. Built on an Intel Core i7 processor-based platform, the robot zither integrates a virtualization software stack using a hypervisor with preconfigured virtual machines (VMs) running a combination of real-time and general-purpose OSes.

Multiple workloads, one system, real-time performance. Explore Intel solutions for industrial automation at intel.ly/16e7khA.

Learn more about Wind River VxWorks* at: bit.ly/160IEXQ.
Learn more about the Intel Industrial Solutions System Consolidation Series at intel.com/industrialconsolidat...

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Experience Virtualized Industrial Workloads in Harmony | Intel