Diesel VEKTR by Monster Review

35 291
TechSmartt3.54 млн
31.01.18 – 668 87510:33
I Used A Burner Phone For 24 Hours
Опубликовано 26 мая 2012, 17:13
Purchase on Amazon: amzn.to/JCpXfz

Today, we take a closer look a the Diesel VEKTR's by Monster Cable. These headphones are the all in one package in my opinion. First off, the comfort on them is top notch. The soft-leather ear cups followed by the adjustable ear cups really make listening to them a treat. The design is also superb. The triangular design is featured on the ear cups mostly representing a sharp, stylish look. The design does not stop there as it is also shown on every part of the cable. Continue reading: goo.gl/muBdH

The Diesel VEKTR's retail for $279.95.

Monster Cable's website: goo.gl/gu6HZ

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