Tested In-Depth: Roku 4 Streaming Player

141 509
Tested6.9 млн
Опубликовано 17 февраля 2016, 15:00
After testing the Apple TV, we move onto the Roku 4, the first in its family of streaming players to support 4K playback. Patrick and Norm discuss the availability of 4K video on streaming services, the performance of voice search on the new remote, and our problem with Roku's apps. Here's why you're better off sticking to a Roku 4 and saving a few bucks.

Find more of Patrick's tech reviews at tekthing.com

Shot by Adam Isaak and edited by Norman Chan

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Tested is:
Adam Savage twitter.com/donttrythis
Norman Chan twitter.com/nchan
Joey Fameli twitter.com/joeyfameli
Adam Isaak instagram.com/adamisaak
Kishore Hari twitter.com/sciencequiche
Patrick Norton twitter.com/patricknorton
Frank Ippolito twitter.com/frankippolito
Sean Charlesworth twitter.com/cworthdynamics
Jeremy Williams twitter.com/jerware

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