New Directions in Networked Systems Design - Session 2

5 дней – 3223:15
Ludic Design for Accessibility
Опубликовано 12 августа 2016, 3:57
Speaker 1 - Copper is Dead ΓÇö and what that means for computer science Nathan Farrington, University of California San Diego Abstract: In this talk, you will learn why copper electrical wiring can never effectively be used to build high-speed data center networks at 40G and up, and no matter how much as computer scientists we kick and scream, we will be forced to learn to stop worrying and love optical communications. Speaker 2 - Transport in Future Warehouse-Scale Computers Mohammad Alizadeh, Stanford University Abstract: The datacenter increasingly resembles a warehouse-scale computer: a large collection of computing and networking resources that work in concert to efficiently deliver superior performance. For this vision to fully materialize, transport in the datacenter (the plumbing) needs to vastly improve. I will discuss some of the opportunities and challenges in this space and recent research that aims to address them. Speaker 3 - Going from BASE towards ACID with NoSQL Emin Gun Sirer, Cornell University Abstract: You've heard of the NoSQL revolution and the CAP Theorem. In this talk, I will tell you why CAP is not what it's cracked up to be and describe a revolutionary new architecture for NoSQL data stores that are consistent, available in the presence of partitions that affect up to a threshold of nodes, scalable, and above all, fast. Speaker 5 - The Middlebox Manifesto Prof.Vyas Sekar, State University of New York Stony Brook Abstract: Middleboxes (firewalls, IDSes, proxies, WAN optimizers, and the like) have long been an integral part of operational networks, but have traditionally been treated as second-class citizens in the research community. There is growing recognition of the need to bridge this disconnect in both camps. I will describe my recent research related to the design, implementation, and management of middle-boxes and discuss some challenges and opportunities in integrating middleboxes with SDN mechanisms Speaker 6 - Verifying the Data Plane Prof. Brighten Gdfrey, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Abstract: The increasing complexity of modern computer networks has far outpaced the development of tools to manage their operation. We are developing tools which simplify network security and management by formally reasoning about network-wide forwarding behavior. Our first data plane verification system, Anteater [SIGCOMM'11], revealed multiple real-world bugs in a large university network, including forwarding loops and stale ACL rules. VeriFlow [HotSDN'12] checks network-wide invariants in real time as each forwarding rule is inserted, optionally blocking vulnerabilities from being introduced into the network. Our current OpenFlow-based implementation can perform rigorous checking within hundreds of microseconds per rule insertion. This talk presents work with Ahmed Khurshid, Haohui Mai, Kelvin Zou, Wenxuan Zhou, Rachit Agarwal, Matthew Caesar, and Sam King.