Computational Biomedicine: A Challenge for the 21st Century

Опубликовано 17 августа 2016, 3:54
Much scientific research and innovation requires a wide range of data-intensive computations to be run as part of a complex workflow-for example: implementing steps for data access, data acquisition, data transfer, data processing, and compute-intensive simulation. To simplify the process, we can use a workflow manager and provide seamless access to remote resources by using audited credential delegation and the application hosting environment. This session at IEEE e-Science Workshop 2011 outlines several biomedical applications our group has been working on to enable better medical/clinical treatments that draw on the use of HPC inter alia. We discuss eScience techniques used in each project and make a case for an integrated computational infrastructure (data storage, networks, and computational resources) to ensure the successful development of future biomedical applications.