I'm Switching to WIndows Phone. Yup, You Read That Right.

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TechnoBuffalo1.63 млн
Опубликовано 16 декабря 2011, 19:58
Why I'm Switching to Windows Phone

We often get caught up in the hype of what the next flagship smartphone will be, whether its an Apple or Android device. I'm guilty, I'll admit. Often it's specs this, screen that, camera, resolution, etc. Working at TechnoBuffalo, I've been fortunate enough to test and play with almost all of the top smartphones, past and present. As a result, I've gotten an eclectic taste for what each company has to offer, hardware and OS-wise. But recently things have seemed dull, unexciting, too much of the same thing.
I'm not afraid to say that I've primarily been an iPhone user since 2007. As a whole, the hardware/software experience is one of the best on the market today, and one that has satisfied my inner geek for quite awhile. Until it started to get boring, and too small (for me). The same home screen, icons, walled garden. I've given Android a go as well, and love the customization it offers, but I still wanted something different. That's when my attention started focusing in on Windows Phone. Previously, the OS was nothing to write home about, and in many ways it lacked the polish capable of competing against Android and iOS. Then Mango showed up in a 4.7-inch package. Continue reading: tchno.be/vBMtpN.

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