2013 Ford C-Max Energi First Look

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Опубликовано 16 декабря 2011, 18:20
2013 Ford C-Max Energi First Look

Adding more fuel to the MPGe Wars, Ford announced the 2013 C-Max Energi and 2013 C-Max in Dearborn this week. The company made a few claims about its new pair of hybrids that might give the Toyota Prius and Chevy Volt something to blow a fuse over.
I talked with Chief C-Max Engineer John Davis about the car's highlights. Although there are no specs to speak of at the moment, Mr. Davis assured me that the Ford C-Max Energi (the plugin version of the C-Max Hybrid) will achieve a greater total range and MPGe number than the Chevy Volt and the Toyota Prius. He also said that the non-plugin C-Max Hybrid will be offered at the most affordable price the company has ever slapped on one of their hybrid models. Continue Reading: youtu.be/yXmEGDa2mwM

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