Paradigms of Worm Defense & Thoughts from an Ivory Tower

Опубликовано 6 сентября 2016, 5:18
This is two presentations concatenated together: Paradigms of Worm Defense: A viable worm defense will be composed of multiple components: Automatic detection, analysis and response, prevention, tolerance, recovery, and attribution. But what are the requirements of these components? Where do they need to be placed? This talk will discuss many of the ideas needed to build such defenses, including automated OODA loops and response timescales, the distinction between containment and blocking, where different classes of defenses need to be placed, and some proposed defenses and how they integrate into this framework. Thoughts from an Ivory Tower: Microsoft Windows and related software is now critical infrastructure, which is critically vulnerable to well constructed malcode. This represents my personal opinions, as an ivory tower academic, on what Microsoft can do to help mitigate the threat from worms. A variety of suggestions and ideas are discussed, from leveraging the recently acquired antivirus software for an antiworm role, a Safe