What's New in Polymer Tools (Polymer Summit 2016)

7 675
4 дня – 1 8260:44
Anchoring experiences
38 дней – 2 82238:02
087: Anchor positioning
Опубликовано 18 октября 2016, 11:54
An end-to-end overview of the tooling landscape for web components and the Polymer Project. From the Polymer CLI, to package managers, to static analyzers, to linters, to deployment tools, we'll take a look at the current state of tooling and show off new features that are in progress and on the horizon.

Missed the summit? Catch the recordings at: polymer-project.org/summit

Or watch more videos here: goo.gl/XDWHzT

Subscribe to the channel: youtube.com/chromedevelopers

Music by Terra Monk: goo.gl/9BkpNH