AWS re:Invent 2017: Effective Emergency Response in AWS (WPS204)

Опубликовано 28 ноября 2017, 17:47
Emergencies happen with no notice, whether with weather-related events or man-made incidents. Countless lives can be saved not only by predicting disastrous events but also by reacting quickly and effectively.

In this session, you will discover how organizations are using AWS capabilities to predict and respond to emergencies around the world. StormSense, a project led by City of Virginia Beach enhances the capability of VA Beach and the neighboring communities of Hampton Roads, VA to predict coastal flooding resulting from storm surge, rain, and tides in ways that are replicable, scalable, measurable, and make a difference worldwide. LiveSafe, A communications platform to improve safety and prevention efforts - puts a mobile security system in the hands of everyone in organization, deputizing employees so they can feel involved and empowered to do something when they see something. LiveSafe’s cloud-based command dashboard receives tips in real time and allows security officials to respond via secure live chat.
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