Easily Build Scalable Blockchain & Ledger Solutions

Опубликовано 30 ноября 2018, 20:53
Blockchain technologies are often used to solve customer needs for an immutable way to store data and a decentralized way for groups of customers to transact with each other. For customers that need to maintain an immutable and verifiable history of changes to an application’s data in a centralized and trusted way, this session introduces AWS QLDB, a purpose-built ledger database that eliminates the need for building complex audit-tables or setting up blockchain networks. For groups of customers that need to execute transactions and share data in a de-centralized but trusted way, this session will introduce Amazon Managed Blockchain, a fully managed, scalable blockchain service that makes it easy to set up, deploy, and manage scalable blockchain networks, eliminating the need to rely on expensive consulting implementations. Learn more at aws.amazon.com/blockchain, aws.amazon.com/qldb, aws.amazon.com/managed-blockch...

Catch up on the excitement of re:Invent 2018 with the AWS launchpad featuring launch announcements, demos of newly launched technology, interviews with expert guests and live Q&A. AWS re:Invent is a tech education conference for the global cloud computing community hosted by Amazon Web Services. See all recordings of the AWS Launchpad at re:Invent here: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhr... and learn more about AWS live streaming here: aws.amazon.com/twitch.