Develop, Deploy, and Debug Using Google Cloud Developer Tools (Cloud Next '19)

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Опубликовано 10 апреля 2019, 3:17
Come learn how Google Cloud provides an end-to-end workflow for developing, deploying, and debugging applications to services such as App Engine and others. We will also discuss how Cloud Sοurce Repοsitories can be used with other Google Cloud tools to implement continuous integration process and validate check-in with an automated build and test. Also, watch us debug a live production application. That way you can pinpoint problems without stopping or slowing your application.

Develop, Deploy, Debug →

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Speaker(s): Russell Wolf, Nikhil Kaul

Session ID: OPS102
product:DevOps & SRE; fullname:Nikhil Kaul,Russell Wolf; event: Google Cloud Next 2019; re_ty: Publish; product: Cloud - General; fullname: Russell Wolf, Nikhil Kaul;