Google Cloud Next '19: Day 2 Collaborate Channel

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Google for Work899 тыс
Опубликовано 11 апреля 2019, 2:13
Reimagine how your business works with G Suite: 1:10:49
CP129: 30 Ways Google Sheets Can Help Your Company Uncover and Share Data Insights: 2:44:22
Rethinking business through data: 4:19:04
CP201: Automating Security in G Suite: 5:36:57

Enable your teams to achieve more, together. Our Collaborate channel includes sessions on using industry-leading productivity tools — including G Suite, Chrome, and devices — to transform the way you work.

Live sessions run all day starting at 11:10 AM PST, April 9, 2019.

event: Google Cloud Next 2019; re_ty: Livestream; product: Cloud - General; event: Google Cloud Next 2019;