GDC 2019 - The Future of XR Development: SRWorks SDK + SRanipal SDK

2 824
HTC Vive57.6 тыс
Опубликовано 23 апреля 2019, 16:54
In this two-part session, learn how VIVE is pushing the future of XR development with the SRWorks SDK and SRanipal SDK. The SRWorks SDK is a software framework for developers to leverage the hardware of a headset for spatial mapping and AI for scene understanding. The SRanipal SDK allows developers to track and integrate users’ eye and lip movements, empowering developers to read intention and model facial expression. For both SDKs, we will walk through supported features and demonstrate use cases for your own development.

You will learn key features of the SRWorks SDK and SRanipal SDK and how to get startedstart implementing them in their VR applications. For each SDK, hear how developers are using these tools today to create ground-breaking VR experiences.