Half A Million Subscribers - My Journey

23 495
SuperSaf2.06 млн
27.01.17 – 268 8275:28
Samsung Galaxy S8 Design LEAKED
206 дней – 256 9470:36
Google Pixel 8 Unboxing
227 дней – 2 193 2150:38
iPhone 15 Blue Unboxing
Опубликовано 26 января 2017, 12:00
I started making YouTube videos 5 years ago and have now hit half a million subscribers, it's been an incredible journey, here are some highlights.

A BIG THANKS to everyone who has subscribed and supported me all these years. Here's to a million (some day).

Subscribe for more ►►► youtube.com/channel/UCIrrRLyFM...

Videos featured:
F2 Freestylers: youtube.com/watch?v=YNd82Nn3CZ...
Casey Neistat: youtube.com/watch?v=1FQ4NAfNyR...
AutoTrader UK (Fiat Tip): youtube.com/watch?v=-uqRKi7GaI...
5 News: youtube.com/watch?v=wGnkWIBGYR...
Carphone Warehouse: youtube.com/user/eyeopeners

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