iPad Air vs iPad Pro (2022) – DON’T Pick Wrong!

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Опубликовано 15 марта 2022, 18:07
iPad Air M1 vs iPad Pro M1 - Which One to Get? Is it worth spending $200 more, to get the iPad Pro? Or, are the features offered by the iPad Air, enough?

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▶ iPad Air M1 - geni.us/ZoTiPadAir2022
▶ iPad Pro 11" M1 - geni.us/ZoT2021iPadPro11
▶ iPad Pro 12.9" M1 - geni.us/ZoT2021iPadPro12
▶ iPad Pro 11 Keyboard - geni.us/ZoTiPadMagicKeyboard11
▶ iPad Pro 12.9 Keyboard - geni.us/ZoTiPadMagicKeyboard12
▶ BEST Fast Charger - geni.us/ZoTankerNanoCharger
▶ USB-C to lightning cable - geni.us/ZoTusb-cLightningCable
▶ Premium USB-C to USB-C cable - geni.us/ZoTankerUSB-Ccable
▶ GRID Disassembled Apple Frame - shrsl.com/3anpd (Code ZT10 for 10% off)
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