Architecture: Live Q&A - MAD Skills

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Опубликовано 28 апреля 2022, 17:53
Welcome to the live Q&A for the Architecture series on MAD Skills, hosted by Android Developer Relations Engineer Manuel Vivo. This time, Manuel is joined by Yigit Boyar, TJ Dahunsi, and Miłosz Moczkowski.

0:00 - Intro
1:10 - Is LiveData deprecated?
2:10 - What is business logic? What is the motivation behind moving business logic down to the data layer?
3:27 - How to access resources like strings, colors in the viewmodel as we should not link the context to it?
4:48 - How do I make a service and composable/viewmodel communicate to each other?
5:45 - What are the best practices now to allow a smooth future transition to KMM/KMP?
7:25 - What is VM in MVVM, since ViewModel is just a state holder? What classes does it actually map to?
9:10 - ​Regarding Architecture, are there any updates /recommendations related to multi-modules projects(by layers)? Like the architecture samples.
10:00 - Should we use Flow in data sources? Repositories? Interactors/use cases?
11:17 - When to use use cases?
13:00 - ​Passing cascading suspend in repository is anti pattern in Android mvvm with flow?
14:25 - ​What is the recommend pattern for a ViewModel to tell the UI navigate to a different Fragment/Screen?
18:40 - ​How to define conditional navigation graph based on user configuration?
20:25 - Where should we put work manager and services in MVVM / Clean architecture?
23:47 - Why use ioDispatcher in repository to access database sometimes, and sometimes not?
26:15 - ​What is the advised way to transport complex data from one screen to the other when we are dealing with memory sensitive data?
29:40 - ​MVVM or MVI for Compose?
31:22 - As projects expand, should I move domain/data layers to separate modules?
33:00 - ​How should the view hierarchy be maintained to ensure an efficient app? Should view hierarchy be as shallow as possible?
36:52 - What is the best way for returning error from other layer to the presentation layer?
38:50 - Which layer should I put domain models and mappers that map from Api/Db models?
41:07 - ​Does the UI layer → Domain layer → Data Layer pattern work for non-mobile app Android surfaces i.e. App Widgets, Quick Settings tiles, Notifications, Android Auto, Wear tiles etc?
41:12 - Multiple activities or Single activity multiple fragments?
45:15 - Outro

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