Google Workspace Webinar: Work Safer with Google Workspace & BeyondCorp 2022

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7 дней – 2 0290:07
Meet Google Vids 6'
Опубликовано 16 ноября 2022, 19:23
Welcome to episode #3 of the Google Workspace Webinar series with Goldy Arora. This session will focus on how to protect your organization from cyber attacks with Work Safer.

Learn to leverage and compliment Google Workspace with BeyondCorp and enhance your organization’s security posture with integrated threat and data protection.

These include additional protections against web-based threats, such as malware and social engineering, and use Data Loss Prevention (DLP) rules, security alerts, and reporting tools.

BeyondCorp is Google's implementation of the zero trust model. It builds upon a decade of experience at Google, combined with ideas and best practices from the community. By shifting access controls from the network perimeter to individual users, BeyondCorp enables secure work from virtually any location without the need for a traditional VPN.

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