Google Cloud Platform1.21 млн
Опубликовано 29 июня 2023, 16:00
You can build and deploy code (CI/CD) to Google Cloud using GitHub Actions by uploading a service account key to GitHub. But that opens one more spot of vulnerability and it makes it hard to rotate keys. Some organizations even forbid exporting service account keys for that reason.
Let's fix that! If you use Google's Workload Identity Federation, you can still build and deploy with GitHub Actions, but you don't have to upload a sensitive key to GitHub. In this video Luka and Martin will show you how.
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Let's fix that! If you use Google's Workload Identity Federation, you can still build and deploy with GitHub Actions, but you don't have to upload a sensitive key to GitHub. In this video Luka and Martin will show you how.
Check out more episodes of Serverless Expeditions →
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