VR Safety: All-New Parental Controls Walkthrough for VIVE XR Elite

HTC Vive58.5 тыс
Опубликовано 4 июля 2023, 16:00
Manage rest time and VR content for children with just your phone!

Check out how to set up parental controls from the new system update for the VIVE XR Elite in this VIVE Talk.

Find out how to set a time limit, time frame, maximum duration, and access code for your VIVE XR Elite through the VIVE Manager app available on iOS and Android.

Also learn how to improve children’s VR experience by restricting access to mature titles for healthier tech usage.

Download VIVE Manager for iOS → apps.apple.com/us/app/vive-man...

Download VIVE Manager for Android → play.google.com/store/apps/det...

Get more details about VR parental controls here → htcvive.co/3oKKE8a

Check out the VIVE XR Elite → htcvive.co/3J3RaxI

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