Google I/O 2014 - Google [x] presents: Solve for X - Accelerating moonshot projects 2

27 762
09.07.14 – 14 4469:48
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Опубликовано 2 июля 2014, 16:47
Michael Girma - GliHub - on hyperlocal learning solutions - from Ethiopia pilot to anywhere
Scott Klemer - UCSD - on designing a world where people teach themselves and each other

Solve for X ( is a community of people working to accelerate progress on technology moonshots -- radical technology ideas for solving global problems. Radical in the sense that the solutions could help millions (or billions) of people; that the audacity of the proposals makes them sound like science fiction; and that there is some real breakthrough or new approach that makes us believe these ideas could be brought to life. We meet in-person and online.

Solve for X is an open platform powered by Google [x] and many partners and friends

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