Capo: An Operating System Interface for Practical Deterministic Multiprocessor Replay

06.09.16 – 41556:10
PlanAhead Design and Analysis
52 дня – 544 9910:31
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Опубликовано 6 сентября 2016, 18:37
To be practical, systems for deterministic replay of multiprocessor programs need to support an environment with multiple parallel jobs running concurrently ΓÇô some being recorded, others being replayed and even others running without recording or replay. The system also needs to manage limited-size log buffers. Finally, the system needs to have very low overhead, likely leveraging special-purpose logging hardware. In the Capo project, we address these shortcomings by introducing, for the first time, a set of abstractions and a software-hardware interface for practical hardware-assisted replay of multiprocessor systems. We introduce the novel abstraction of the Replay Sphere to separate the responsibilities of the hardware and software components of the replay system. In this talk, we will focus on the software aspects of the problem, and discuss our experiences in building a prototype called CapoOne implemented on Linux.