AWS Webcast - AWS Compliance Forum Introduction

Опубликовано 4 ноября 2013, 17:49
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has developed a customer compliance forum to facilitate in-depth compliance discussions between you and with AWS Compliance. The webinar focuses on the AWS shared responsibility security model and how your organization can achieve security and compliance within your use of AWS services.

This initial AWS Compliance Forum webinar will provide an overview of AWS compliance programs, use cases, and the various compliance verticals AWS can support both through current certification and attestations (i.e., PCI, SOC, FedRAMP, and ISO) as well as areas AWS can illustrate use cases for workloads related to Life Sciences, Financial Services, and state/federal government compliance requirements.

From there we will discuss the goals of the AWS Compliance Forum and plans for future webinars and small-group compliance discussions.