Cloudberry for Interactive Big Queries and TextDB for Cloud-Based Text Analytics

Опубликовано 29 сентября 2017, 5:35
This talk will give an overview of our research projects. Cloudberry is a middleware solution to support interactive exploration and visualization on large data sets ("responsive big queries"). Using the Apache AsterixDB as its backend database, it uses novel techniques of view caching, incremental computation, and query slicing to support sub-second analytical queries on huge amounts of data. TextDB is a system to support GUI-based text analytics as a Web service in the cloud. It includes prebuilt operators to do various text analytics such as keyword search, regular expressions, dictionary lookups, sentiment analysis, and NLP. An analyst can use a Web interface to easily drag-and-drop these operators to compose a declarative workflow to do deep text analytics. Time permitting, we will show live prototypes to demonstrate these systems, which are currently used by UCI researchers to conduct social data analysis. 

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