Noise*: A library of Verified High-Performance Secure Channel Protocol Implementations

Опубликовано 10 июня 2021, 14:00
19 May 2021

Speaker: Son Ho, INRIA
(collaboration with Karthik Bhargavan, INRIA and Antoine Delignat-Lavaud, Cédric Fournet, Florian Grould, Jonathan Protzenko, Nikhil Swamy, Santiago Zanella, Microsoft)

This virtual event brought together the PhD students and postdocs working on collaborative research engagements with Microsoft via the Swiss Joint Research Center, Mixed Reality & AI Zurich Lab, Mixed Reality & AI Cambridge Lab, Inria Joint Center, their academic and Microsoft supervisors as well as the wider research community. The event continued in the tradition of the annual Swiss JRC Workshops. PhD students and postdocs presented project updates and discussed their research with their supervisors and other attendants. In addition, Microsoft speakers provided updates on relevant Microsoft projects and initiatives. There were four event sessions according to research themes:

Learn more about the Joint Research Center Workshop 2021: