4.3 Combine business data in Google Analytics - Analytics Academy on Skillshop

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Using Segments in Google Analytics
Опубликовано 8 октября 2024, 18:11
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First-party data can provide valuable insights that help deliver better customer experiences and drive business results. You can use first-party data to enhance your audience strategy, create a competitive advantage with data unique to you and to make informed business decisions. In this video, we'll cover two tools you can use to expand the first-party data you have available in Google Analytics: Data Import and Measurement Protocol.

Helpful resources:

Learn more about Data Important and Measurement Protocol:
[GA4] About Data Import: support.google.com/analytics/a...
Measurement Protocol: developers.google.com/analytic...

New to Analytics?

Get started for free with Google Analytics, which is a single platform that integrates your analytics and advertising, so you can act on customer insights faster:
