Panel: Developer velocity and productivity

Опубликовано 25 января 2022, 1:29
Margaret-Anne Storey, Professor, University of Victoria
Bryan Liles, Principal Engineer, VMware
Amanda Silver, CVP of Product, Microsoft Developer Division
Nicole Forsgren, Partner, Microsoft Research Redmond

The socio-technical nature of the software development process has continually taken a prominent role in how software systems has evolved. Microsoft, as the global leader in software development, is home to the world’s largest developer communities and ecosystems, including Azure, GitHub, and Visual Studio. In this fireside chat, panelists will discuss developer productivity and velocity. The panel will talk about how we understand and measure these attributes, and they will also explore how we can improve them as we look to the future of our digital world, with examples from industry. They will also explore how to strengthen these communities through unlocking creativity, collaboration, and value.

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